1、Abstract Submission Link
Below is a link to the abstract submission site for MIP23. The website is now open to submissions. You may email the link to authors if you wish:
One detail of note I wanted to mention is that I have put in a technical abstract instruction for the submissions (see below image). I want to ensure the provided information is correct. Please let me know if you wish for this instruction to be removed from the submission portal.
2、Attached are the SPIE Manuscript Specifications. Please share these with your organizers, editors, and authors. You may direct authors to the following web page for formatting and uploading instructions:
3、Front Matter Template
Please fill out the attached front matter template and return it to me by 12 January 2024.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience the names (LAST, First); affiliation, and email address of the editors for the Proceedings volume. I will enter these into our system.
5、Abstract/Manuscript Review
Also please let me know at your earliest convenience the names (LAST, First); affiliation, and email address of each person who will review abstracts/manuscripts. I will enter these into our system and will provide instructions for the review.
6、Proceedings Timeline
The following timeline has been established to ensure the timely publication of the Proceedings:
20 June 2023 – Abstracts Due. All authors must have submitted their abstracts.
20 July 2023 – Abstract Review Complete. Chairs and reviewers have completed abstract review.
31 October 2023 – Manuscripts Due. All authors must have submitted their manuscripts.
22 December 2023 – Manuscript Review Complete. Chairs and reviewers have completed manuscript review.
15 March 2024 – Publication Date. SPIE publishes the Proceedings on the SPIE Digital Library and provides each paid registered conference participant with access.