1. Multispectral Image Acquisition
l Infrared imaging
l Microwave imaging
l Lidar and radar imaging
l Ultrasonic imaging
l Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging
l Medical imaging
l Polarization imaging
l Liquid crystal imaging
l Micro-nano-imaging
l Single photon imaging
l Ultrafast imaging
2. Multispectral Image Processing and Analysis
l Image filtering
l Image compression
l Image encoding
l Digital watermarking
l Microwave image processing
l Lidar and radar image processing
l Ultrasonic image processing
l Multispectral and hyperspectral image processing
l Wavelet and fractal analysis
3. Automatic Target Recognition and Navigation
l Edge detection
l Segmentation
l Target recognition and tracking
l Image sequence analysis
l Small dim target detection
l Image feature extraction
l Image Navigation
4. Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
l Pattern classification
l Neural networks and deep learning
l Machine vision and machine learning
l Data fusion and mining
l Image match
l 3D modeling and representation
5. Parallel Processing of Images and Optimization Techniques
l Parallel algorithms and architectures
l Intelligent algorithm
l Bionic algorithm
l Neural computation
l Cloud computing and big data
l Optimization methods and techniques
l Mass media data analysis and index
6. Medical Imaging and Processing
l Medical image processing and analysis
l Medical image visualization
l Medical image guided surgery
l Medical image virtual reality
l Computer aided medical systems
7. Remote sensing image processing and geographic information systems
l Remote sensing image processing
l Hyperspectral image processing
l Remote sensing image fusion
l Geographic information system
l Image retrieval
8. Applications
l Intelligent Video Surveillance
l Industrial inspection
l Environmental monitoring
l Biometrics and identity authentication
l Image encryption
l Cultural heritage
l Other applications
Important Notification:
The submission date for the abstract of the paper has been extended to September 30, 2023.
Abstract due date: | September 30, 2023 |
Paper Acceptance notification date: | August 15, 2023 |
Manuscript due date: | October 31, 2023 |
Conference Date: | November 10-12, 2023 |
Submit your abstract during May 5 to September 30!
l Publish your work internationally
l Interact with your peers
l Get real-time feedback
Submissions imply the intent of at least one author to register, attend the symposium, and present the paper (either orally or in poster format).Your abstract must include all of the following(Short abstracts are also acceptable):
Title of Conference:(See 1-8 above)
Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
All authors are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to submit their abstracts by the due date via the Web site located at URL:https://www.mippr.cn or https://www.spie.org.
Please submit your abstract into one topic class. NO submitting one abstract into one more topic classes.
l Authors are expected to secure registration fees and travel and accommodation funding, independent of SPIE, through their sponsoring organizations before submitting abstracts.
l Only should the original material be submitted.
l Commercial papers, descriptions of papers with no research/development content, and papers where supporting data or a technical description cannot be given for proprietary reasons will not be accepted for presentation in this symposium.
l Abstracts should contain enough detail to clearly convey the approach and the results of the research.
l Government and company clearance to present and publish should be final at the time of submission.
To ensure a high-quality conference, all abstracts and Proceedings of SPIE papers will be reviewed by the peers for technical merit and English expression.
This conference will result in a full manuscript, editor-reviewed volumes published in the Proceedings of SPIE that can be ordered through the Advance Technical Program. Manuscripts are required of all accepted applicants and must be submitted in English by 31 October 2023. Copyright to the manuscript is expected to be released for publication in the Proceedings of SPIE. Papers published are indexed in leading scientific databases including EI Compendex, ISTP, INSPEC,Physics Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, International Aerospace Abstracts, and Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings.
Manuscript due dates must be strictly observed. Whether the conference volume will be published before or after the meeting, late manuscripts run the risk of not being published in the Proceedings of SPIE. The objective of this policy is to better serve the conference participants and the technical community at large. Your cooperation is appreciated by all.
SymposiumWeb Site: http://www.mippr.cn
P. O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010 USA
Phone: (1) 360/676-3290
Fax: (1) 360/647-1445
web: http://www.spie.org
Shipping address:
1000 20th St.
Bellingham, WA
98225-6705 USA
Organizing Committee of MIPPR 2023:
Dr. Zhong Chen and Xiaofeng Yue
School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation
Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech., Wuhan 430074, P.R.China
Phone: 86-27-87793943, Fax:86-27-87793943
E-mail: mipprhust@163.com